Prayer Topics

Let us know how you think we should be praying!

Prayer changes everything

We are working to be more intentional about the way we pray for our community, neighbors, and mission around us. We would love to hear from you about how you think we could better be praying for you, the people we care deeply about! So if you have a big topic (like mental health, or political division) or smaller ideas like your cat has cancer, we want to hear from you. Because we serve a God who cares deeply about the big and the little things. And he isn't done working miracles on the large or small scale either. 

If you are a person of prayer we invite you to join us for our quarterly regional prayer gatherings at the Home 2 Suites in Chantilly where we will be praying for our community together. Our next gathering is April 27th at 10 am.

July 27th , October 26th and January 25th will be the ones following that.