God Responds to Our Prayers!
Where does movement begin?
What do these events have in common? The Exodus, the birth of Jesus, the Spirit’s arrival at Pentecost, the appointment of Paul and Barnabas, and the Great Awakenings? They each emerged from a great movement of prayer (see footnote for more). The Bible and virtually all of human history show over and over that God’s great acts come in response to great movements of prayer!
Jesus himself told us that we are to pray for the Lord of the Harvest to provide the laborers to bring in his harvest. Let's pray for this movement to begin! Then let's watch to see what God will do in response to our fervent prayers together!
Careful What You Wish For
God is so graciously responsive to us, so there’s a great burden on us to ask faithfully for the right things. That’s why we’re inviting all gospel-loving churches and followers of Jesus from the Northern Virginia region to pray together for God’s amazing work to bring in new laborers to gather a fresh harvest of new believers who follow Jesus.
Join the Movement!
Next Gathering: January 25, 2025
On January 25, 2025 (isn’t that super easy to remember?), we’re gathering together to pray exactly what Jesus told us to pray for in Luke 10:2. Will you join us? Just one hour could change our whole region (with ripple effects reaching as close as your neighborhood and as far as the other side of the globe), if we earnestly plead together for God’s loving intervention.
A Simple Goal for 2025
We want TEN spirit-filled believers from each of TEN different congregations to join us at TEN o’clock to pray for exactly what Jesus taught us in Luke TEN. Please help us reach this goal by sharing this invitation with others from your congregation. Invite your church leaders, staff, and laypeople to join you, us, and this movement in prayer on January 25th.
Please let us know you're coming by filling out the RSVP below!
Future Gatherings
April 26, 2025
July 26, 2025
October 25, 2025
A night of united national prayer by the Israelites in Egypt led to the Exodus. In addition to generations of prayer for the Messiah to come, a lifetime of faithful prayer by Anna and by Simeon preceded the birth of Jesus. Several weeks of prayer in the upper room by the followers of Jesus and witnesses of his resurrection was punctuated by the rushing wind of the Spirit’s arrival. The Spirit appointed Paul and Barnabas as the church in Antioch was praying and fasting together. And the Great Awakenings were preceded by powerful prayer movements that spanned multiple continents across the vast oceans.